Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Project One; Suplementary Images

My previous post was the out come of the first project of this Spring semester, but due to my ever present procrastination I failed to mention my process in achieving the final image. Below are some of my models and ideas I had prior to settling with my cubicle office desk.

Why It Didn’t Work:

Short explanations on why my previous ideas failed.

1. Facebook. Face It.

This idea ultimately failed because of its inherent lame-ness and my inability to take adequate photos of a computer screen. I found that no matter the distance, flash, or shutter speed the computer screen was always rendered as pixilated or lined. Also, taking on social media and defining its ever- changing news feed was both overwhelming and boring. The idea was to photograph my Facebook homepage on my laptop while I was in various places around campus, my apartment and friends’ apartment’s.

2. With The Band.

My next idea was an attempt at creating a stage from various pictures taken throughout an evening of live music at the Granada. This idea was destined to fail as I was not able to spend the duration of the show taking snapshot close ups of the stage due to the masses of people.

3. Soundboard= Bored.

I really enjoyed the colors in these photos taken while I was Djing one Friday morning, but when they came together as a collage it became overwhelming as a whole. There was too much color and chaos to convey a sense of space or time and the idea was scratched.

4. The stove was by far the second most successful,but it lacked a more personal touch. ( Although it is my kitchen, dirty counters and all) I tried to incorporate too much of the surrounding area other than the stove whose solid color and lack of detail made for a dull monotone outcome.

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