Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I've Asked Myself The Same Thing.

Q:Why did you choose to major in interior design? (in raspy french women's voice of course)
A: I. do. not. know.

The truth is i really don't know why i chose to major in Design. Yes, I had an idea of the things i enjoy doing and would like to concentrate on but the reality of the situation is that it was just a choice, and not necessarily a life choice but a choice of the moment. That moment was senior year and trying my hardest to assess the possibilities of what I could do or who I could be. I didn't come up with much. I enjoy math and physics and loathe history, but there are few things I truly enjoy. What I narrowed it down to was art. I simply enjoy art, and every aspect of it. I'm also fascinated by the sociology and psychology associated with art and design, mass communications and advertising.
I don't know what it is i would wan to do with a major in design but I'm determined to incorporate the thing i enjoy the most into my everyday life.

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